If you're new to Parkway South Hockey or if you would like more information about the club, check out our About Page or send us an email at parkwaysouthhockey@gmail.com.
A full list of board members & coaches can be found on our Contact Us page. For updates, follow us on social media @PSouthHockey.
See you at the rink!
The PS Hockey B Team plays games against other area B Teams and the season runs approximately from January through June (games are April - June).Mid States Hockey Player Eligibility (2025)
1. B teams – birth years 2009, 2010 & 2011. No 6th or 11th graders can be rostered regardless of their birth year.
2. No Junior Elite, Tier 1, AAA, AAA Lady Blues, Central States Bantam Major or Midget Minor and Major, Central States Prospects Bantam Major or Midget Minor and Major, Twin Bridges Elite, Carshield players. This includes players who have been rostered on the excluded teams at any point during the season.
3. Requests for waivers will be reviewed on an individual basis (by Mid States Hockey).
All incoming high school level players who received an invitation to join the 2024-2025 regular season PSH team should register by September 6, 2024.
Fill out the form below if you're interested in getting on our prospective player list! We'll add you to the email list so you can get updates on registrations. Another good resource is our social media pages @psouthhockey
Prospective players - fill out this form and we'll get you on our email list. Check out our social media page for updates!